Primary brand color palette
Our color palette has eight colors: four primary colors and four secondary colors. Each secondary color has an associated tint, which must always be used in combination with the main color.
Red, black, gray and white are the Chicago Pneumatic brand colors. The primary brand colors are of equal importance and should always appear in full tone. These colors should not be darkened or lightened, and their opacity must not be altered.
The Chicago Pneumatic red and Chicago Pneumatic black play a vital role in establishing a clear and a powerful image of the brand. These are the most important colors in our visual identity and should always be the dominant colors in communication material and other visual applications.
Primary colors
CMYK 0 100 91 0 RGB 237 28 46 Pantone® 485 C HEX #ED1C2E
CMYK 0 0 0 30 RGB 204 204 204 30% of Pantone® Black HEX #CCCCCC
CMYK 30 30 30 100 RGB 0 0 0 Pantone® Black HEX #000000
CMYK 0 0 0 0 RGB 255 255 255 Pantone® White HEX #FFFFFF
The colour palette can be extended to include grey tones ranging from white to black.
Secondary brand color palette
If the four primary brand colors are not enough, use these secondary brand colors for charts and infographics.
The additional colors are to be used only for charts and infographics.
Secondary colors
CMYK 20 40 100 5 RGB 197 147 41 HEX #C59329
CMYK 10 70 100 0 RGB 223 109 39 HEX #DF6D27
CMYK 90 30 100 25 RGB 0 109 56 HEX #006D38
CMYK 30 100 90 40 RGB 122 18 28 HEX #7A121C
  • Use any of the secondary colors as the dominant color
For text, only use 100% black (CMYK 0 0 0 100).